Just wondering.
Because there are moments in my day when I feel like I am a robot getting things done that are so mundane.
That's step 3.
Here's a recap of the steps so far. (I introduced them in this prior post.)
1. Make a commitment to the Live-Like-Vacation Lifestyle
2. Sleep at the same time every night
3. Systematize your daily activities/chores so they are out of the way, (then you will have more room for the bigger activities)
Here's #4 and #5 just FYI:
4. Knock out of your life the things that are unproductive
5. Make your work joyful for yourself and others
And then, coming soon, as I work through my LLV progress, I will add in steps that address financial wellness.
Can Step #3 be a real drain?
I believe the answer is "yes." This is something we have to make peace with.
I can wake up and stroll into the kitchen and say to myself, here I am again making coffee, making breakfast, feeding the cats...
Day in an day out these chores are here waiting to get done. Paying the bills, taking out the trash, laundry, etc. What is there to feel good about? It's drudgery.
But if you can systematize it.....Oh, boy. That's another chore.
Well, if I go about it willy-nilly, I forget something like making son's lunch. Then I have to scramble to get that done before he's late for school. So, a system will prevent scrambling.
I do not like scrambling. This is what makes me so grumpy in the first place wondering when I can have my next vacation.
Scrambling is what makes my practice members call me up in a panic because they need to get adjusted as soon as they can because all their stress sneaked up on them.
I also tend to scramble when I am at work. I have to type up a notice for someone. I have to get a claim ready to mail. I have to be productive in between appointments before it's time to pick up son from school. I have to set aside time to eat lunch before my brain crashes next to my feet.
I have to systematize my work day so I can be more attentive to my practice members when they need me the most.
You, whoever you are, need to systematize your work day so you can be your best for your customers, clients, students, and co-workers. We deserve it from each other.
So, the daily chores go smoothly and give you more time for the important things, or we can just feel as if we are drowning in the annoyance of chores.
I guess we can look back at #1. The commitment makes a difference in our mind-set. We know there is a greater reward when the small details are worked out.
And then I will throw in #2. An authentically restful sleep routine makes us much more efficient, and we can feel as if this part of our day is effortless and a warm up for the rest.
Get warmed up for the rest of the day.
How do you use Step #3 to your advantage. Please share in the comments section.
Also, in a future post I will discuss the second part of step #3. You see that part that is written in parentheses. What are the bigger activities of the LLV lifestyle?
Good question...... See you soon.
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