Thursday, July 2, 2015

Do You Enjoy Your Time Off?

When I have time off, I don't know what to do with myself.  I could do a number of things:

1.  I could catch up on endless chores
2.  I could do go somewhere to shop, browse, eat out, socialize
3.  I could be a slug and lay on the bed watching a Cold Case marathon
4.  I could waste time on the internet reading the news, facebook, etc.
5.  I could spend time on a hobby like writing my book, taking an ecourse
6. I could do something that involves fitness

Or I could do a little bit of all of the above.

I could revolt against myself and find something horrible about each activity:

#1- I could be so involved in chores that I am miserable and resentful, looking forward to my next day back at the office.

#2- I could berate myself for spending too much money.

#3- I could become angry that I accomplished nothing.

#4- More of #3.

#5- I could become engrossed in a hobby and then feel I was ignoring my husband and child.

#6- Work out?  What? ... and accidentally become an exercise addict?

What do I usually do on my time off?
I stay up past a normal bedtime then I am tired  and grumpy the next day looking for a nap!

I do enjoy a weekend away from the house when we go on a short road trip visiting family.

Are you too obsessed with your time off?
Do you have a live-like-vacation attitude on your time off?

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